Finesse Judgment


            1. In finesse judgment God does not coerce or violate the volition of man. No volition is ever coerced or violated in a finesse judgment. God uses the motivational and functional evil as His agent to punish evil.

            2. The finesse is found in the principle that God neutralises evil by means of evil. Zero cancels zero.

            3. Finesse judgment dramatises the fact that both man individually and nations collectively are the products of their own evil motivation and evil decisions.

            4. The rise of organised and disorganised evil in a country results in the historical possibility of it losing its pivot of mature believers and becoming so evil that God uses the evil of some communist entity to destroy the client nation.

            5. The counterpart of finesse judgment from God is the believer’s self-induced misery from his own bad decisions outside the protocol system of the plan of God.

            6. God uses the believer’s bad decisions as an agent to punish the believer, which emphasises the doctrine that every believer is responsible for his own decisions.

            7. Unhappiness and misery which results from believers’ evil motivation and bad decisions is another case of God using evil to punish evil.

            8. Likewise evil policy and bad decisions on the part of a national government result in finesse judgment.